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The File Center - Audio

NOTE: These pieces of audio are directly pulled pulled from other websites such as and the wikikmedia servers since I can't put videos in my website unless I upgrade to supporter. I can't do so at the moment.

Clair de Lune

The Entertainer

Fur Elise

The Star Spangled Banner

Also Sprach Zarathustra

Hurrian Hymn No.6 (Among the oldest songs that can be recontructed)

September (Retro Edition)

The meaning of life and the universe and everything since ever

Some Music I Made!

I sometimes make music because why not.Here's a link!

MIDI CITY!!!!!!!

NOTE: It takes a few seconds before they play. Be patient

Stop MIDI Playback


Bohemian Rhapsody

We Are The Champions

We Will Rock You

Don't Stop Me Now


Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley

Mii Channel

Africa - Toto

Careless Whisper - George Michael

Country Roads, Take Me Home - John Denver